It’s quite typical after a casting job to never see the finished ad.  However, when my talent is spotted on billboards, plastered all over Portland it’s VERY gratifying!!!  I LOVE this campaign and was happy to donate my casting services for such a great cause!!

The amazing creatives that were the force behind this project were:  Producer Therese Gietler, Photographer Andy Batt, Photo Assistant Chris Calvert, Creative director Jeff Dooley, Wardrobe stylist Krista Teyema, Hair and Make up Ruthann Lentz, Talent agency Kit Garrett from OMM.


In 1993, just out of college,  I landed an internship with Lars Topelmann which turned into a full time job as first assistant and darkroom tech. This began my training for my photographic career. When budgets were low I hit the streets of Portland  in search for the perfect models for our photo shoots. Luckily, most people were responsive when I  approached them and ask if they would like to be part of a photo shoot, could I take their photo and get their shoe size.  Little did I know that 20 years later I would still be finding talent for commercial work. I work as a casting agent in Portland gathering both street and agency talent for clients to choose from and place in various ad campaigns.  My favorite job of 2010 was casting the faces for the Timbers Billboards that can be been seen up and down Burnside in Portland, Oregon.  This project was special to me because I was hired by Hello Artists who represents Chris Hornbecker.   Chris and I were photo assistants for Lars back in the 90’s and I am so impressed by his hard work and inspiring images.  This project was Art Directed by Jelly Helm who is a visual genius and has put the Timbers mark on the Portland streets.