It’s quite typical after a casting job to never see the finished ad.  However, when my talent is spotted on billboards, plastered all over Portland it’s VERY gratifying!!!  I LOVE this campaign and was happy to donate my casting services for such a great cause!!

The amazing creatives that were the force behind this project were:  Producer Therese Gietler, Photographer Andy Batt, Photo Assistant Chris Calvert, Creative director Jeff Dooley, Wardrobe stylist Krista Teyema, Hair and Make up Ruthann Lentz, Talent agency Kit Garrett from OMM.

Maison Fortune Orphanage-Hinche, Haiti

In May 2010, I traveled to Haiti, 6 months after the devastating earthquake in Port Au Prince.  I continue to sort and organize the 6,233 photos that I took, along with the random scribbled notes that I collected during our stay.

This collection of images were taken at the Masion Fortune Orphanage in Hinche, Haiti- They provide children with food, shelter, clothing and education, the oldest orphan is 32.

Fragmented thoughts:

May 24, 2010- Barbella likes to braid my hair in the hopes of receiving new colorful hair clips and rubber bands to add to her collection.  The orphans stand in line to have their toenails painted, each nail, fingers and toes, a different color.  One of the boys is called over to the girls’ court to play the drums, the nightly ceremony of dance and song.  I wish I could speak Creole -However, my bits of French seem to get me by.   I respond Oui, Tres Bien to all their many questions, smile offering love, affection and hair clips.

Their innocent faces continue to blast open & simultaneously break my heart.

Families were lined up at the gates of the orphanage for days after the earthquake hoping to be lucky enough to find their children a home at the Orphanage.

Photographing at the orphanage was actually very challenging because as soon as the children see the camera they all run up and jump and struggle to get in front of the lens.  Capturing the in between moments was my greatest challenge.  These photos represent some of those moments.






Living Yoga

“Living Yoga is a non-profit outreach program teaching yoga as a tool for personal change in prisons, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers, transitional facilities, and to populations who would otherwise not have access to it.

Since 1998, Living Yoga has been offering services out in the community to youth and adults to provide yoga as a platform for transformation and growth. We recognize that the populations we serve have something in common: they are all imprisoned in some way.  Some live behind walls and barbed wire, others in the personal prisons created by addiction and abuse.  Some of our students bring all of these challenges to the yoga mat. As they open to the grace of yoga, we see them stepping into new ways of being; developing balance, flexibility, strength and freedom in their lives.”

For more information please go to  Living Yoga

As a yoga teacher of 14 years and a photographer, Living Yoga is a local non-profit out reach program that I whole heartily support .  Here are a few images to share from the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, DePaul Treatment Center and Columbia Correctional Institution of Oregon.